7 Kasım 2010 Pazar

United's Premier Baggage "Club" Benefits Frequent Travelers

Premier Baggage is United's latest loyalty program -- and a quick revenue producer too

United wants $249 of your money now. "For a limited time," the airline says, passengers can sign up at this "introductory rate" for a one-year membership in its new Premier Baggage program. They're not saying how long the introductory period is or what the fee might be after it's over.

The airline describes Premier Baggage like this: "Forget about first and second bag fees. With Premier Baggage, you and up to eight companions traveling under the same confirmation number can check up to two standard bags each without fees, where applicable, every time you travel within the United States or internationally on United or United Express operated flights during the year. When you purchase the Premier Baggage option, your annual subscription will be associated with your Mileage Plus account. Simply provide your Mileage Plus number each time you make a United reservation, and you'll automatically receive your Premier Baggage benefits." (Oversize and additional bag fees excepted, of course.)

It makes sense for those frequent flyers who always check a bag or two. It makes sense business colleagues who fly as a small group with checked bags. It makes sense for families who take a couple of trips a year -- one to the beach or to visit family, one to go skiing, etc. And it really makes sense for United, which has figured out that passengers who have already pre-paid for a year's checked baggage are more likely to fly the Friendly Skies than competitor carriers.

The last time we heard about a special introductory offer, it was for short-lived Clear, established to fast-track frequent travelers through airport security. I'm not anticipating that United is about to go out of business (though some people had their money on Swissair, Pan Am, TWA, Northwest and numerous other airlines), but I do sense something of the health-club of video store come-on: Join now! Limited time only! Join now! Save more if you join for a year! Save the most with a lifetime membership!

Smarter Travel, which alerted us to this new program, did a bit of math on who saves and who might as well not bother, and commented, "United is targeting the travelers most heavily penalized by its fees. Which, I suppose, is better than nothing. But it does more to remind us how much the industry has changed in the past two years." SmarterTravel.com is a Smarter Travel Media LLC company, but I'm not sure who among the editors the "I" above might be.

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